About Jerpoint Community
The Camphill Jerpoint Community is located in the historic Nore Valley on the banks of the river Nore. It is an area renowned for its arts and crafts and its natural beauty.
Jerrpoint Community is located in a set 18thcenturybuildings which was once part of theneighbouring Mount Juliet estate. The Community has a small holding and has built additional households for members of the community.
It is a well integrated rural setting 5 km from Thomastown.
Thomastown Community benefits greatly frombelonging to the lively cultural and socialCommunity of Communities of Camphill centres in this region of Southern Ireland.
The cycle of life at Jerpoint turns around thecommunity's heart and centre: its extensivevegetable and herb garden and small-holding with cows, pigs and chickens.
Many varieties of fruit,vegetables and herbs are cultivated for the kitchen and for the Mustard Seed food processing workshop where our lovely Sara-Lea is making the most wonderfull breads, cakes andpickles.
The work with the residents is strengthened through visits by specialists from nearby centres who offer eurythmy, music and art therapy.
Read more about Jerpoint by visiting www.camphilljerpoint.ie
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