About Dunshane Community
Founded in 1985, this rural community not far from the Wicklow Mountains is situated near Brannockstown, Naas in County Kildare, 40 kms southwest of Dublin.
Here young adults with some form of disability can develop their skills in various workshops like the farm, garden, pottery, basketry, bakery, and candle-making.
We also offer different individual or group therapies to suit the particular needs of our people.
Moreover, as part of our continuing endeavour to provide our residents more opportunities for growth, they attend Adult Education courses in cooperation with two neighbouring Camphill communities, The Bridge and Grangebeg.
Dunshane consists of 28 acres of land and five houses accommodating 50 people, 22 of whom have special needs.
Dunshane House and Teach NaGreine are two of the houses at Camphill Dunshane.
Our workshops are not just places for learning skills, but are also spaces for social interaction and exchange of ideas. In the same manner, our house communities are also abodes for cultivating human relationships that enable us to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Our community practises bio-dynamic agriculture, thus offering great opportunities for our students to work with organic farming methods. It is a privilege to be able to harvest our own vegetables and produce our own milk right where we live. From earth to table, food right at our doorstep whenever possible.
Having an inner life is one of the essential pillars of Camphill. At Dunshane, we strive to maintain a connection to the spiritual world in a conscious and active way through our devotion to the work that we do every day. By bringing spiritual impulses into our physical deeds, we uphold the universal spirit of life that is above us all and surrounds us with grace and the vision of service to our fellowmen.
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