UPDATE 25/03/2021
Webinar for Family Members of Day Attendees
Covid Vaccination- How can I support my Relative with Support Needs
We would like to invite service users, family members/carers of individuals with a disability who attend Day Services to attend a special webinar this Friday at 1pm.The COVID-19 vaccination will be made available to all individuals who attend Day Services in the coming weeks. The purpose of this webinar is to help family members/carers to provide information to their loved one and to support them to make an informed decision regarding the COVID-19 vaccination.
UPDATE 05/01/2021
UPDATE 01/01/2021
UPDATE 28/10/2020
UPDATE 23/09/2020
National Framework for living with COVID-19
Below's framework is very useful to remind us all about best practice in confusing times
For Dublin Level 3
UPDATE 15/06/2020
Here is a link to the most recent updates of the HSE in relation to Day Services for People with Disabilities in the New Era of Social Distancing. Many changes ahead...
UPDATE 11/05/2020
New Resource Document
The following document called
"Co-Vid 19 Community Supports & Services"
is a vital resource document that capture supports and resources available especially to people with disabilities at this time. this can be a particularly good resource for families of day attendees that are currently at home and unable to attend day services or staff in our residential communities trying to find more information.
UPDATE 07/05/2020
UPDATE 26.03.2020
Dear Family and Friends,
I hope you are all keeping yourselves well during this difficult time. I have a few important updates for you
Ongoing Prevention Measures:
- To prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we are closing all our residential communities to visitors. This includes Family, friends and day service attendees.
- We are maintaining a single controlled point of entrance and exit to each Community
- We are continually reinforcing and practicing, with all our community members the importance of handwashing, sneezing/ coughing etiquette and social distancing
We fully appreciate that this is a very difficult and worrying time for everyone and made even more difficult when everybody has to keep their distance, even from loved ones. The managers in all our communities will work with you to develop a communication plan to ensure you stay in contact over the coming weeks and months. This can be through regular phonecalls or using social media apps such as Face time where possible.
Day Services:
Day service attendees only – Revised day service programmes are now operating across all our Communities. These programmes include home support, home programmes, telephone contact, community activities and in some very limited small group activities. It is our intention that we retain contact with all day service attendees over the coming weeks/ months to provide as much support as we can taking into account all public health advise and availability of staff. At a minimum we will be maintaining a weekly call with families and day attendees.
Of note, regretfully for the duration of this crisis, KCAT has closed with both Thomastown and The Bridge cafés closed.
Contingency Planning:
I would like to reassure you that we have spent the last few weeks working closely with all our Communities to ensure we are as prepared as possible for whatever unfolds over the next few weeks/ months. This has included:
- A range of polices and training around the care and support required for our residents, staff and volunteers in the event that isolation is required.
- Implementing all public health guidance
- Developing a range of isolation units that would be available across all the organisation
- Redeploying staff from day services to support residential services
- Preparing for further redeployment from non essential to provide care and support as and when required
- Seeking volunteers to be available to support us
I would like to commend our fantastic staff and volunteer team for their commitment and dedication in supporting our community members through this very difficult time.
We are still actively seeking volunteers to help us through the coming weeks and months.
Nationwide came into Duffcarrig on Tuesday last to see what Camphill is all about and discuss how we are preparing to for the Covid 19 virus. It was also an opportunity to seek more volunteers.
This is being aired this Friday night 27th March 2020. Hopefully, this will encourage more volunteers to register with us. Please spread the word.
Finally, in true Camphill Spirit, Thomas Horan, a member of the national team, based in Ballybay and ex LTCW developed a paper on “Strengthening our inner immunity” – see attached. In this, he is advocating that we all take a couple of moments every day at the same time to draw strength through reflection and also connecting with Camphill Communities wherever we are. We are establishing 12 O’Clock everyday to do that and will recite the Camphill Verse:
The healthy social life is found
When in the mirror of each human soul
The whole community finds its reflection
And when in the community
The virtue of each one is living
I hope you will join with us at 12 o’Clock everyday for a few moments of reflection and connectedness.
Please do not hesitate to contact your local community with any further queries or questions,
Keep safe and well,
Kind Regards ,
UPDATE 18.03.2020
Update re: Day Services
Unfortunately in line with the latest HSE guidance, we will not be able to open our day services as planned tomorrow. We are evolving our day services planning to allow us to provide some limited day services to individuals who have a high need for the service whilst planning home supports for others. Each Community is working closely with families to finalise plans and over the next few days the restructured day service programmes will be rolled out.
Meanwhile day services will continue within each Community with full adherence to public health guidance on social distancing.
Thank you for working with us through this very difficult time. We are all on this journey together
UPDATE 16.03.2020
Day services: to resume on Thursday March 19th 2020
We want to plan for the continuity of day services for as long as possible whilst also implementing Public Health Advice. On that basis, we will suspend day services on Wednesday 18th March with the expectation that we will be commencing a revised day service programme on Thursday 19th March that considers individual support needs and allows for adherence to public health advise around social distancing and group activities.
Local managers will be in contact with families on Wednesday pm to advise of plan for Thursday.
However, please note: The Bridge Café and Thomastown café will remain closed to the Public for the foreseeable future
UPDATE 15.03.2020
COVID 19 FAQ for Family & Friends
We have developed a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
for Family & Friends, which can be
downloaded here
UPDATE 14.03.2020
Dear Colleagues & Friends
I wish to bring to your attention a recent change in the protocols for testing for the Covid-19 Virus.
- Testing has been widened to include general respiratory symptoms
- Your own GP will now be doing the testing
Therefore, in the event of presenting with:
- A recent onset of Fever or Chills - And/ Or
- Symptoms of respiratory tract infection, which includes cough
You should contact your GP or Out of Hours GP service who will advise further.
For anyone visiting or working in a Community, and you present with the above symptoms, please contact your GP and advise the PIC or manager on duty of the outcome of this consultation before coming in the Community.
It is really important that we all work together to minimise the risks to our Community members.
Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Please do not hesitate to contact your PIC or line manager with any further queries,
Kind regards
Ann Sheehan - Chief Executive Officer - CEO – Camphill Communities of Ireland
Update 13.02.2020
Dear Colleagues and Friends
This has been a busy week for everyone as we have had to come to terms with the escalating public Health concerns presented by the Covid -19 virus.
As I am sure you are aware, as a Country we moved from the Containment Phase to the Delay phase in the management of this virus.
In response to this, Camphill have worked closely together over the past week to implement all public health guidelines as well as developing emergency response plans for each Community.
Steps we have taken so far include:
- Single controlled access point to each Community
- Clear protocols on what to do in the event of a suspected case, etc
- Training on handwashing and use of Personal Protective Equipment
- Stocking up on food within each Community
- Developing centralised management system for Personal Protective Equipment required for emergency situations
- Restrictions on travelling and tight procedures on return to Communities
- Developing Contingency plans for essential business activities such as invoicing and payroll
Next Steps:
- Day Services – suspended on Monday 16th March to allow for a planning day so as to consider how we can reconfigure services to minimise the risks to all concerned
- Volunteering - Progressing requests for seeking volunteers in the event that we need additional assistance
- Progressing emergency plans within each community
I wish to acknowledge the excellent staff team which is supported by our Short Term Coworkers on their engagement and willingness to continue to support our Community members through this very difficult time.
A reminder to everyone:
- Practice good handwashing technique and wash hands at every opportunity
- Cover your mouth or nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing and bin used tissue
- Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- Practice social distancing – 2 meters apart
As the management of Covid- 19 Virus continues to evolve, different responses may be required of us. We will endeavour to provide regular updates to everyone and will use Facebook and our Website also.
Thank you to everyone for your support during this time and cooperation with all measures been taken to date.
Please do not hesitate to contact your PIC or line manager with any further queries,
Kind regards
Ann Sheahan
Chief Executive Officer - CEO - Camphill Communities of Ireland
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